签证帮致力于为出国 提供常见问题解答和留学报道
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时间:2023-12-02 05:49 来源:www.jndvisa.com  作者:bebe

加拿大学生签证 If you are studying an English or French language-program for less than 90 days

you may not require a visa

depending on your nationality. For longer programs of study

or if you are not studying English or French

you will likely require a visa and/or student authorization. back to top What documents will be required? Applications may require the following: 1. An official letter of acceptance from an accredited educational institution 2. A pleted application form: To plete your application you will need to know the cost of your education including tuition fees and books

medical insurance

return trportation costs and living costs for yourself and any dependants while in Canada. Living costs vary in each province. 3. The application fee of $125 CAD / $80 USD 4. 2 passport style pictures. 5. Your passport (applicants from countries whose citizens require visitor visas for Canada must provide their valid passport. Applicants from countries not on this list need only provide a photocopy. Applicants who are United States Citizens or Green Card holders do not require a passport -- please submit proof of citizenship or a copy of your green card). 6. An acceptance letter from the institution. 7. Proof of funds available to support you during the first year of your studies. In general


000 CAD is required in addition to tuition fees for one year. 8. A trcript from your last program of study. Additional Requirements 1. If you intend to study in the Province of Québec

you must obtain and submit a Certificat d' Acceptation du Québec from the Service d'Immigration du Québec. 2. If you are under the age of 16

a guardihip agreement

signed by your custodial parent(s) and notarized

in favour of a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident

and a notarized acceptance of guardihip from your guardian. 3. A medical examination may be required in some cases

depending on your program of study

the length of time you will spend in Canada

and the countries where you have resided in the 12 months before going to Canada. back to top Time required to issue visa: Application takes about 5 weeks to process (allow longer for postal-delivery time) Note: Canadian universities suggest that one apply for admission at least one year in advance of planned arrival. back to top What is the cost of a visa? If a student visa and/or authorization is required

the cost is CAN$125 back to top How long is the visa valid for? Student visas and authorization are valid for the duration of the program of study back to top Other information: You may be allowed to work in Canada if you meet one of the following requirements: You want to work as a graduate assistant; Your employment is part of a course of study

such as a work term during the year

as in cooperative programs; You want to work on campus; or You want to work after graduation in a study-related job for up to one year back to top Embassy contact information: Please contact the nearest Canadian embassy for information on what documentation you may require to enter Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Canada: cic.gc.ca/



咁应该要点做? You should prepare an ORIGINAL BANK DRAFT or MONEY ORDER for a minimum of CDN $10

000 in your own name. as specified in the application kit. 父母入息证明又应该交咩呢? Tax receipt

salary receipt

letter from bank manager. (you should provide as much as possible) 良民证同body check系咪交左from佢要求你做先去做? Do both before you go and apply. 仲想问下有冇限一日做几多个申请?系咪只要星期1-4 朝早去到就可以?? Dont worry about their limit coz you wont know. Just be there early ( I mean very early) You got to wait v long there... wait.... You are there for o yrs so it's better to have ur passport valid for the next o yrs so that you dont need to renew the study permit so often. Documents required as specified in the application kit: 1 original PASSPORT valid for at least elve months from the date you intended to depart for Canada 1 Fully pleted STUDY PERMIT APPLICATION FORM (IMM1294) MISREPRESENTATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENCE form; FAMILY COMPOSITION/DETAILS OF EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT form for each of the applicant

father and mother of the applicant

pleted in English or French AND Chinese

and signed in both Chinese and pinyin. 1 QUESTIONNAIRE AND FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1 Completed IMM5476 FORM (please plete 'not applicable' if you are not appointing a representative on your application) 1 original and 1 copy of a LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE from the Admission’s/Registrar’s Office of a Canadian school (Refer to item 5 for requirements.) 1 STUDY PLAN

in English or French

explaining the study proposed in Canada and intentions after pleting the courses to which you have been accepted. 1 ORIGINAL POLICE CERTIFICATE OF NO CRIMINAL CONVICTION OR NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY CERTIFICATE OR CLEARANCE

from each country/state/territory in which you have lived for six months or longer since reaching the age of 18. A letter will be provided to you for application to the Hong Kong Police

if and when required. For residents in Hong Kong or Macao



HKALE.); or For residents in the People’s Republic of China

1 notarized copy of your SENIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADUATION CERTIFICATE and TRANSCRIPTS (with the chop of your school’s Registrar’s Office) and the NATIONAL COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (NCEE) results

if available. 1 notarized copy of any UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE DIPLOMA



plus TRANSCRIPTS for any program for which you are currently enrolled. If you have not yet graduated

please indicate your expected date of graduation and whether you will receive a degree

diploma or certificate. Custodihip Declaration o Please refer to item 6 and submit as appropriate 1 APPLICATION FEE paid in the exact amount (refer to Fee Schedule) 2 PHOTOGRAPHS (DO NOT staple or glue; please refer to photograph specifications) 6 self-addressed MAILING LABELS with your current address. Residential and mailing addresses in the PRC must be provided in Chinese as well as English

and must include a postal code. (Please do not use envelopes). An ORIGINAL BANK DRAFT or MONEY ORDER for a minimum of CDN $10

000 in your own name.

参考: Me and geo.international.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/immigration/st-kit-en


持有中国护照 加拿大枫叶卡 巴西圣保罗旅游

只需要去之前办理签证就可以 因为你有加拿大枫叶卡 所以签证很容易的 还有就是 所谓落地签证,是指申请人不能直接从所在国家取得前往国家的签证,而是持护照和该国有关机关发给的



加拿大留学签证如何申请? 加拿大是中国很多留学生向往的地方,但一直以来加拿大的签证通过率相对于其他热门留学国家而言比较低,但是许多学子与家长在办理相关手续,特别是签



一、加拿大留学电子签证eapp与sds比较哪个好 这个没法比啊,前边是递交方式,后面是签证政策的一种. 没法比较 二、加拿大超级签证和十年多次往返签证有什么不同 十年多次往返签证



新西兰学生签证的存款证明和打工问题 关于存款。定期存半年或活期有半年以上,才可申请签证,申请签证才需要冻结,一般冻结三个月,签证下来可以去银行解冻。交学费是在冻结之



而在加拿大的3700万人口中,华裔人口约为177万,占加拿大总人口数量的约5%,排在所有族裔的第七位。 前六位分别是加拿大裔,英国裔,苏格兰裔、法国裔、爱尔兰裔和德国裔。 加拿




美国签证可以免签去哪些国家 持美国护照去新加坡和马来西亚都是90天免签,去泰国可30天免签。 美国护照可免签的亚洲国家和地区: 亚美尼亚21天落地签证 阿塞拜疆30天落地签证 巴林


中国公民到塞尔维亚免签吗 中国公民到塞尔维亚是免签,不用办理签证的。根据《中华人民共和国政府和塞尔维亚共和国政府关于互免持普通护照人员签证的协定》,自2017年1月15日起


新加坡签证旅游签证可停留多久 新加坡旅游签证有效期:半年。入境后最多能呆30天,停留天数是由新加坡移民局与管卡局官员在入境时决定的。新加坡旅游签证申请要求中提到需需携


移民美国f4有拒签吗 因为F4的等待时间比较长,所以一般来说只要担保人的资金稳定没问题 申请人也没有不良记录的话被拒签的机会不会特别大的 f4美国移民要多少年 可以想 美国移民


法国签证预约网站 第一步:通过法国签证申请中心网页,致电呼叫中心,或本人亲自到中心获取详细咨询信息。 第二步:通过法国签证中心网页或致电呼叫中心进行预约。 第三步:在




日本签证停留期 日本旅游类单次签证的停留时间一直是15天。有效期三个月,三个月内任意时间赴日,从入境当天开始计算,可停留15天,15天后(包括第15天)的24点前离境即可。三个


主要讨论在进行F1签证面签时,应带的必备物品。介绍了F1签证的背景和申请程序。 从签证申请材料、身份证明、资金证明、银行账单和学校录取通知书等五个角度,详细论证了每个物


一、办理澳大利亚签证多少时间 办理澳大利亚签证需要14个工作日的时间。 澳大利亚大使馆规定的有效时间有90天、一年、三年、十年有效签证,因此最常的有效签证时间是十年,在十


换护照加拿大十年签证 摘要 本文探讨了换护照加拿大十年签证的相关问题。首先介绍了换护照的需求和流程,然后解释了加拿大十年签证的特点和申请条件。接下来从五个角度进行论